Male reproductive disease is a condition when men experience health problems or certain diseases that affect the ability of their reproductive organs. This can be caused by congenital abnormalities, infections, injuries, or even tumors.
Generally, people are more familiar with impotence or erectile dysfunction as a male reproductive disease. Though there are many other types of diseases that can affect male reproductive capacity.
Important Recognized Signs of Male Reproductive Disease
Do not underestimate the symptoms of the reproductive organs, such as testicles that are painful during sexual intercourse or during urination. These conditions may be a sign of disease in the male reproductive system, such as the following diseases:
1. Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction or impotence is the inability of men to perform or maintain an erection during sexual intercourse. This condition is often caused by excessive stress and anxiety, but it can also be influenced by long-term medication use, as well as a history of heart disease and diabetes.
2. Hypospadias
Hypospadias occur when the urethra or urinary tract is in an abnormal position, ie not at the tip of the penis but at the bottom. This condition is a congenital abnormality from birth that needs to be overcome through surgery. If the surgery goes well, men can carry out sexual activity as usual.
3. Cryptorchidism
Cryptorchidism is a condition when one or both testes are not visible due to no decrease in the testicles to their proper place. Cryptorchidism is a congenital abnormality that is commonly experienced in infants born prematurely. Orchidopexy is one of the most effective operations in treating cryptorchidism.
4. Varicocele
Varicocele is a disease characterized by swelling of veins in the scrotum. Besides being able to reduce the testes, this male reproductive disease can also cause infertility due to reduced sperm production and quality. Beware of various symptoms of this disease, such as swelling in the scrotum, a lump in one of the testicles, scrotal pain, and testicular vessels that look enlarged and swollen.
5. Benign prostatic hyperplasia / benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
BPH is an enlarged prostate gland that can compress the urethra. Conditions that can be a natural part of the aging process are generally caused by changes in cell growth and hormone balance. BPH is usually characterized by symptoms such as weak urine flow, branching urine flow, frequent urination, frequent urination, and difficulty urinating.
6. Hydrocele
Hydrocele is a male reproductive disease that is characterized by a buildup of fluid around the testes, causing swelling in the scrotal area. Although common in newborns and usually harmless, this condition can feel uncomfortable and is usually preceded by symptoms such as swelling, pain, and a red scrotal scrotum. In rare cases, hydrocele can occur together with testicular cancer.
7. Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer generally occurs in men over 40 years, especially in those who have a family with a history of similar health problems. This disease is characterized by pain during urination and ejaculation, pain in the lower back, and blood in the urine. In dealing with prostate cancer hormone therapy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery can be done depending on the severity of the cancer.
If you experience symptoms that feel disturbing from one of the male reproductive diseases above, immediately consult a urologist. Detecting the disease early can make treatment easier, so the chances of cure will be higher.
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